
Java Technique


1:充分利用 String.sub()这个函数 ep:

request.getServletPath.subString(1) 便得到 /userregision.action


java 标识符由字母、数字、下划线“_”、美元符号“$”组成,并且首字母不能是数字。 与C的区别





java中 == 比较地址 equal比较值


1:static将变量上升为类级别 因此仅仅能被初始化一次 这在保存用户sessionId时候非常好用。因为设置一个user为staitc那么永远只有一个

2: effective java中队需要传递多个参数构造一个对象的时候有以下几点:

就是将set方法里面加入返回值 return this 。 这样可以new Builder().setA().setB().setC()




spring :管理sessionFactory

如果整合struts1 用spring mvc jar

如果整合struts2 用struts spring plugin


java Date实用

Date date=new Date();  
SimpleDateFormat df=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");  
String time=df.format(date);  



    A work-stealing technique is used to keep all the worker threads busy, to take full advantage of multiple processors. See Fork/Join in The Java Tutorials. The directory <Java home>/sample/forkjoin/ ...

    The technique development history of JSP

    The JSP(Java Server Pages) is from the company of Sun Microsystems initiate, the many companies the participate to the build up the together of the a kind the of dynamic the state web the page ...

    Programming Finite Elements in Java

    The finite element method (FEM) is a computational technique for solving problems which are described by partial differential equations or which can be formulated as functional minimization....


    Section one covers the soft skills side of trying to find a new job, such as interview technique and resume building. Ignore these skills at your peril: 75% of getting hired is about making a good ...

    Mastering Concurrency Programming with Java 8

    Master the principles and techniques of multithreaded programming with the Java 8 Concurrency API, About This Book, Implement concurrent applications using the Java 8 Concurrency API and its new ...

    JAVA毕业设计外文翻译 中文+英文(JSP技术发展史)

    The technique development history of JSP Writer:Bluce Rakel The Java Server Pages(JSP)is a kind of according to web of the script plait distance technique,

    Troubleshooting Java Performance

    Troubleshoot the most widespread and pernicious Java performance problems using a set of open-source and freely-... This technique is especially helpful in 'dark' environments with little monitoring.

    Java 7 Concurrency Cookbook

    smaller ones using the divide and conquer technique. Chapter 6, Concurrent Collections will teach the readers to how to use some concurrent data structures provided by the Java language. These data ...

    Computer Graphics Programming in OpenGL with Java

    Illustrates every technique with complete running code examples. Everything needed to install JOGL and run every example is provided and fully explained. Includes step-by-step instruction for every ...


    In this context, neural networks become a powerful technique to extract useful knowledge from large amounts of raw, seemingly unrelated data. One of the most preferred languages for neural network ...


    Reflection is commonly used by programs which require the ability to examine or modify the runtime behavior of applications running in the Java virtual machine. This is a relatively advanced feature ...

    java RPG小游戏

    Applying MVC and OO technique, and it is programming design assignment



    Computer Graphics Programming in OpenGL with Java 2nd Edition

    Illustrates every technique with complete running code examples. Everything needed to install JOGL and run every example is provided and fully explained. Includes step-by-step instruction for every ...


    technique,and develops an application of function test automation for Web applications.This application is efficient and correct in practice,it can find the fault in the Web application that is tested...


    Perfection, will help us develop a Tic-Tac-Toe game using the red-greenrefactor technique, which is the pillar of TDD. We'll write a test and see it fail; we'll write a code that implements that test,...

    ahp 层次分析法 mysql java

    The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a structured technique for dealing with complex decisions. Rather than prescribing a "correct" decision, the AHP helps the decision makers find the one that ...


    The Java Server Pages(JSP) is a kind of according to web of the script plait distance technique, similar carries the script language of Java in the server of the Netscape company of server- side ...

    The Definitive Guide to Jython - Python for the Java Platform (2010).pdf

    ■ Chapter 10: Jython and Java Integration...................................................................................175 ■ Chapter 11: Using Jython in an IDE....................................

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